Cabinet meeting

Council heading towards new financial landscape

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The financial landscape is evolving as Epping Forest District Council prepares for crucial meetings in February when the 2025 / 2026 budget will be set.

Budget update

Councillor Holly Whitbread, finance portfolio holder signalled the changing situation as she provided a short budget update to Cabinet on Monday 13 January. The government financial settlement received just before Christmas presents further challenges. The government grant will be reduced by an equivalent amount to the maximum permissible rise in Council Tax of 2.99%.

Other issues include the knock-on effect of increases in National Insurance employer contributions, the downturn in development returns from Qualis housing projects, the transfer of Cottis Yard car park, and reduced receipts from business rates. All have added to the challenges identified in balancing the books.

Councillors will also be taking account of the recent devolution and local government reform announcements as they review spending plans over the longer term.

Overview and scrutiny

Councillor Roger Baldwin, Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) also picked up the financial theme, reporting on the productive budget discussions held with members of the Cabinet at his last meeting in December. Cabinet and O&S meet again on 28 January to assess the latest challenges presented by the financial settlement, ahead of the main budget reports to Cabinet and Council in February.

Councillor Holly Whitbread expressed thanks to Councillor Baldwin for the constructive and pragmatic approach of his committee.

In other business, Councillor Smruti Patel presented the latest pay policy statement to Cabinet for publication on the council website. Councillors approved the recommendations of Councillor Tim Matthews for the transfer of Cottis Yard car park back under direct council ownership, management and control. The transfer will now become part of the budget deliberations by councillors at Overview and Scrutiny.

Cabinet concluded with a review and approval of the updated Qualis business plan.

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