Epping Forest District Council has clarified its exploration of feasibility options for a new depot at North Weald Airfield.
Parking and maintaining empty refuse trucks
A council spokesperson said:
Contrary to social media speculation, there are no plans, studies or suggestions that we would locate any form of recycling centre, waste transfer station or indeed, incinerator at North Weald Airfield.
We are simply looking at feasibility options for parking and maintaining of our empty refuse trucks when they are not on the road, plus washing and parking facilities for the crews.
Having our own depot puts the council in a better position when we procure the new waste and recycling contract. It opens the field and potentially brings down costs for more companies to bid, knowing that there is a central council-owned place to park trucks overnight.
It should not add significantly to truck movements since our refuse fleet by its nature is already on the road across the district collecting the rubbish.
You can’t collect the rubbish without trucks and they don’t last forever. That is why we are also making budget provision to buy new trucks to replace the current ageing fleet.
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