Action targets foul odours
Action targets illegal waste creating foul odours at Abridge property.
Partner agencies are taking a joined-up approach to take action over an illegal waste deposit at an Abridge property, creating foul odours noticed as far away as Debden.
Epping Forest District Council (EFDC) has been supporting Essex County Council (ECC) and the Environment Agency to seek removal of the waste, described by residents as smelling of rotten egg and stagnant water.
Enforcement notice
ECC served an enforcement notice over the unauthorised use of land for the importation, deposition and spreading of waste materials, and subsequent raising of land levels.
The enforcement notice required the land to be restored to its former condition, with the removal of all waste materials and the illegal activity ceasing. However, it has not been fully complied with.
The Environment Agency has an on-going investigation into the matter. They have agreed to take waste and water samples to find out whether the waste is impacting the local water course. They are working with both EFDC and ECC to find a solution to odour and pollution complaints.
Doing all we can
Councillor Ken Williamson, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for EFDC Regulatory Services said:
Firstly, I would like to thank residents for their understanding. This is a difficult and complex problem which apparently started before the current owner acquired the site.
The intensity of the smell varies. Although it is unpleasant, we have no reason to think it is hazardous and it is being monitored regularly. Nevertheless, it can’t continue, and the new site owner is legally responsible for the clear-up.
The Environment Agency and Essex County Council, supported by Epping Forest District Council are using all the pressure we can bring to bear, including legal enforcement action, to resolve the issue.
We understand residents’ concerns and would assure them that we are taking this issue seriously and are doing all we can to bring this to a resolution as quickly as possible, but we must be realistic about the timescale involved in any enforcement action.
Report an issue
EFDC Environmental Protection and Drainage Team responds to a range of incidents relating to flooding, odour and watercourse pollution within the district.
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