Former Councillor Ann MillerPublished on29 September 2023Minute’s silence to be held for former Chairman at Full Council. (more…)
Devolution deal in development for Greater EssexPublished on27 September 2023Essex County Council – New deal would strengthen the Greater Essex economy. (more…)
Operation Dial launchesPublished on21 September 2023Extra patrols are underway to combat anti-social behaviour around The Broadway in Debden. (more…)
Cabinet 18 September 2023Published on21 September 2023Councillors gave approval for consultation to start on the Latton Priory Design Code at the meeting of Epping Forest District Council’s Cabinet on Monday 18 September. (more…)
Make your pledge to TuckINPublished on20 September 2023Businesses across Essex are being asked to join TuckIN to help ensure healthier food is being served across the county. (more…)
Discover the district with a new appPublished on7 September 2023Epping Forest District Council has teamed up with the Discover App to showcase amazing places, events and experiences across the district. (more…)