Overview and Scrutiny Meeting

Overview and Scrutiny 18 July

Democracy news, News

Members of the new Overview and Scrutiny committee met for the first time this municipal year on Tuesday 18 July.

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Your Council Priorities

Members received an update on the progress of the Council’s key projects linked to the Corporate Plan.

The committee reviewed key projects being delivered across the Council and discussed how each project has performed in the first quarter of the financial year.

The Council’s Corporate Plan 2023 – 2027 was launched in April 2023 and focuses on finance, economics, environmental issues, and communities.

Waste and recycling

Waste and recycling collection remains one of the Council’s top priorities for 2023/24. Epping Forest residents have achieved some of the highest recycling rates in the UK.

The Cabinet recently approved plans to create a council-owned company to collect waste and recycling.

Development of the district

The Local Plan was agreed in February 2023. The plan helps to manage local development of new housing, including affordable homes, and employment up to 2033. It supports sustainable development, and the drive to help combat climate change.

The development of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town and the new Princess Alexandra Hospital will continue to be supported by the Council. Both projects bring exciting opportunities for residents and those from neighbouring districts.

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