Overview and Scrutiny 4 June 2024
The new overview and scrutiny committee met for the first time on Tuesday 4 June.
Planning, housing, economic development, commercial assets including the new Epping Leisure Centre and partnership working were all identified as key areas that the council will be focusing on for the next year.
Corporate plan
Members reviewed the end of year corporate plan report, which outlines the council’s performance against the corporate plan objectives for 2023 to 2024.
Committee members highlighted the positive affect Operation Dial has had in Debden to help reduce antisocial behaviour and the increase in EV charging points in EFDC owned car parks across the district.
Budget monitoring
The budget monitoring report for quarter 4 of 2023 to 2024 was presented to members, bringing good news.
Finances have improved compared to what was reported at the end of quarter 3, mainly due to the capital receipt received from Google for the land disposal at North Weald Airfield in December last year. This has allowed the council to replenish its general fund reserve and create capital investment and transformation revenue reserves.
Work programme
Members discussed the wider work programme for overview and scrutiny, place and communities scrutiny committees.
Councillors expressed concerns raised by residents about the section of the Central Line based in the district and the TfL bus services. The committee welcomed the idea to include TfL (Transport for London) representatives as part of a dedicated scrutiny session.
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