Elections and voting
Annual canvass of electors
Every year we carry out an annual canvass of all households in the Epping Forest district to check that the information on the electoral register is correct and up to date. We have to do this by law.
Paying Council Tax does not mean you are automatically added to the electoral register
You cannot vote if your name is not on the register. You may also find it difficult getting credit for things like a mortgage, bank loan or mobile phone contract.
If you do not respond you could be fined up to £1,000.
Respond online
If you have access to the internet, landline or a mobile phone then please respond online, by phone or by text, by 16 September at the latest.
White letter
Properties receiving a white letter only need to respond if any of the information is incorrect or you need to delete, amend or add names. Just follow the instructions on the letter.
Yellow letter
Properties receiving a yellow letter must respond, even if there are no changes to the details. Just follow the instructions on the letter.
You will need your 2-part security code which you’ll find on the front of your letter if you are responding using any of the automated response options available.
How to make changes
There are 3 ways you can make changes:
- Online – go to www.householdresponse.com/eppingforest
- Telephone 0800 8840701
- Text NO CHANGE to 80212
To help cut costs and make things simpler for you, where we can, we will be communicating with you digitally in the future, please provide an email address phone number where asked to do so. Failure to respond means council officers will have to chase this up – putting additional burden on Council Tax.
If you have any queries contact the electoral services team:
- Email elections@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
- Call 01992 564411