Food business registration
To store, prepare, distribute or sell food on premises in the Epping Forest district you need to be registered with us.
Food business establishments requiring registration include:
- Restaurants
- Pubs
- Cafes
- Hotels
- Shops
- Canteens
- Market stalls
- Mobile catering vans
- Food delivery vans
- Home catering including cake baking
The registration information you supply will be shared with Essex Trading Standards and should they request it the Food Standards Agency. In addition, we are required annually to supply all registered business details to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
If your business processes or handles products of animal origin and you sell these products onto other businesses for them to sell onto other traders or supply the final consumer you may require approval. The nature and size of your business will determine if you require approval from the Food Standards Agency or from Epping Forest District Council.
If you are uncertain whether your business needs to be approved or registered please contact us for more advice.
- Or call 01992 564063