Crime and safety
We R Safe
We R Safe is a series of 5 films produced by Epping Forest Youth Council for young people to promote a positive message about safety. We R Safe aims to keep young people safe and make them more aware of the dangers, and also giving them tips on how to feel safe and stay safe.
How to feel safe and stay safe
The 5 messages called the 5 R’s are:
- Realise
- Run
- Report
- Resist
- Resilience
1 Realise
Why go down an unlit alley or underpass, when you can take a safer route home along a well light or busy road? Your journey may take you a few minutes longer, but you will feel safer.
It is common sense to avoid dark unlit areas. Be smart, be safe.
2 Run
Run is about not being afraid to run away. If someone confronts you with or without a knife don’t stand there and try to defend yourself, get away from the situation as fast as you can.
Don’t feel embarrassed about running away as this may save your life or keep you out of a dangerous situation.
3 Report
Report is about encouraging young people to report an incident or crime. Too often people will film something to share on social media or to show their friends, when in fact they should be reporting it to the appropriate service.
We want young people to feel confident to report a crime or incident.
4 Resist
Resist is about being aware and being smart. Too many young people are being groomed today. If someone offers you a new pair of trainers, a free phone or simply some free food, they may have a more sinister intention.
Don’t be trusting but do be careful of strangers being too kind.
5 Resilience
Resilience is about bouncing back. Putting the past behind you may not always be easy and it may cause you to feel anxious or worried about going out.
There are many support services that can help you work through a difficult time. Childline, Victim support, and the Samaritans are just a few.
More information
- Essex Police – in an emergency always dial 999
- Crimestoppers – give information anonymously
- Victim support – help after crime