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Your council
Our key objectives
Stronger place
We will strive to reduce pollution and protect our environment, encouraging jobs, housing, and infrastructure that complements, rather than competes with the natural world.
- Investment and innovation to reduce energy consumption. Adopt cleaner forms of energy. Enable reduction of the council’s carbon emissions to net-zero by 2030
- Reduce, reuse, and recycle more of the waste generated within local homes and businesses
- Encouraging residents, businesses and other organisations to reduce their own carbon emissions through the engagement actions set out in the Climate Change Action Plan
We will improve existing spaces and create new places for people to live, play, gain skills and do business.
- Providing places for new businesses to start and opportunities for existing businesses to grow
- Maximising economic investment, potential and growth through partnerships and commercial opportunities
- Providing affordable homes within sustainable developments, served by transport, leisure, health, and other infrastructure to meet our residents’ needs
- Consultation and engagement with our residents in decisions affecting their place
We will protect and enhance our green spaces for future generations while providing decent, safe homes to meet all our needs.
- Negotiate developer contributions towards green spaces and the environment as part of planning applications
- Meet standards for good quality homes in sustainable locations enshrined within the Local Plan
- Protect, maintain, and enhance the ecology, landscape, and heritage of our district